Orthodox Quote for March 12
“’What if the other person does not want to forgive me?’ is often asked whenever this topic arises. We must remember that we have to answer for our own...
Orthodox Quote for March 11
“We have become so inattentive to the work of our salvation that we misinterpret many other words in Holy Scripture as well, all because we do not seek the...
Orthodox Quote for March 10
“Someone else says… I can pray at my house. You deceive yourself, O man. Of course it is possible for you to pray at your home also. It is...
Orthodox Quote for March 9
“If it should happen that I judged someone or said something bad about someone, I can correct this sin by running to confession, remembering that person in prayer and...
Orthodox Quote for March 14
“It goes without saying that we can never be righteous in the same full way that God is righteous. The difference between God’s righteousness and ours is the difference...
Orthodox Quote for March 8
“One should not seek among others the truth that can be easily gotten from the Church. For in her, as in a rich treasury, the apostles have placed all...
Daily Devotional for March 9 – 15
Sunday A time to gain, And a time to lose; A time to keep, And a time to throw away; 7 A time to tear, And a time to sew;...
Orthodox Quote for March 7
“Repentance involves first the individual seriously, at length, determining that previous wrong actions, thoughts etc., must be re-thought and thus remedied, allowing God to judge and then transform the...
Orthodox Quote for March 6
“In the Monastery of the Flavians in Asia Minor, the Turks had captured a man and slaughtered him. Then they told his wife, ‘Either deny Christ or we will...
Orthodox Quote for March 5
“Christ is the seal of prophecy of Scripture. If he is the seal then he is truly the son of God and, if the son of God, then Christ...