Orthodox Quote for January 6
“To carry the cross means to do the thing that is difficult to do in your life because it is well pleasing to God. Typically this is something that...
Orthodox Quote for January 5
“If you walk along the banks of a stream you will see plants that are lush and abundant. When you step away from the stream, the plants become sparse...
Daily Devotional for January 5 – 11
Sunday *Lives of saints from Loyola Press this week. Solemnity of the Mother of God Jan. 1 Way back in 431, there was a bitter controversy among theologians over...
Orthodox Quote for January 3
“The chief thing in Christianity, according to the clear teaching of the Word of God, is the fire of divine zeal, zeal for God and His glory, the holy...
Orthodox Quote for January 2
“While standing in church you must say the Jesus Prayer. The, you will also hear the church service distinctly.” (St Seraphim of Sarov, writings)
Orthodox Quote for January 1
“A tarnished mirror cannot reflect any image clearly; nor can the soul that is pre-occupied with worldly ambitions and darkened by carnal passions reflect in itself the light of...
Orthodox Quote for December 31
“Consider things from a broad perspective. Think of the other’s past: what opportunities was he given to cultivate himself? Then consider the opportunities you were given that you did...
Orthodox Quote for December 30
“You see how bright the sun and the stars are. ‘Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun’ from the inner immaterial light of God. Whenever the angels...
Daily Devotional for December 29 – January 4
Sunday **Teachings from the Catholic St John Bosco. Some are directed to young men but are applicable to any state of life, men and women, as it is never...
Orthodox Quote for December 28
“Either they were conquered by the sight of their neighbors’ patient life, or they were convinced by noticing the extraordinary kindness and patience of some defrauded traveling companions, or...