Orthodox Quote for November 28
“How can God allow for such a harsh thing to happen? Doesn’t God feel pain – God’s pain for the people who are suffering from ill nesses, from demons,...
Orthodox Quote for November 27
“…when we call someone to turn to Christ and to join the Church, we have to remember that our words must be buttressed by our own deeds. We are...
Orthodox Quote for November 26
“The demon of despondency acts like any beast of prey: if you run away from it, leaving the business you were involved in, it attacks with double ferocity from...
Orthodox Quote for November 25
“Curiously, in times of change, the power of conformity is great. We call it “political #8221; To feel accepted, respected, and to avoid any kind of persecution, we will...
Orthodox Quote for November 24
“This drought is due to the fact that we have distanced ourselves from God, we have de-sanctified and de-Christianized our homeland, we have enacted laws that are against God’s...
Daily Devotional for November 24 – 30
Sunday **Readings this week from Catholic St Josemaria Escriva ‘Christ is Passing By’ We have just read in this holy Mass a text from St John’s Gospel: the scene...
Orthodox Quote for November 23
“Those of you who earn your bread by means of your toil and sweat should rejoice, because that bread is blessed; and if you give a little of it...
Orthodox Quote for November 22
“A man who uses flattery with you is really dangerous, for he may become your deadly enemy, because you cannot tear off his mask. “ (Blessed Ioan David, shepherd...
Orthodox Quote for November 21
“Here he not only responds that they should not feud and become hateful to one another, but he is also looking for something else and something more, that we...
Orthodox Quote for November 20
“If the Lord extends one’s days, then He is bestowing benefactions; if He should cut short one’s days, then He bestows just the same. In general, according to the...